Piecewise Polynomial Potential Partitioning (P4) Software


Syntax: vcrelax_vasp [options] command_prefix
where options are

-vc Voronoi Cell Minimization method
-vcop "options" Options passed to the vcminimizer command (see vcminimizer -h).
-mk Make auxiliary vasp input files (vaspf.wrap, vaspstatic.wrap, vaspfc.wrap) from vasp.wrap. Do not run anything.
-ex Only extract data form VASP files. Do not run anything.
-etol [real] The stopping criterion in the gradient descent algorithm for energy minimization (default: 0.001 eV).
-maxit [int] Maximum number of iterations in the minimization procedure (default: 1000).
-cln Clean files for a full restart.
-cip Continue (an prior run) if possible (only implemented for -vc option).
-fc Calculate the force-constant tensor for the final relaxed structure.
-h Display more help.
command_prefix Prefix needed for vasp to run on a remote machine or in parallel (e.g. mpirun).