Piecewise Polynomial Potential Partitioning (P4) Software


The P4 code is a collection of C++ codes and shell scripts that need to be built into the ATAT toolkit.

Please refer to ATAT website to download and install the ATAT toolkit before installing P4.

After downloading the package, type:

gunzip p4_x.xx.tar.gz
tar -xvf p4_x.xx.tar.gz

where x.xx is the current version number. These commands create a directory called p4 in the current directory. It contains the whole package. For future reference, I'll call the path to this directory p4 and the path to the ATAT package directory atat.


You need the following utilities installed:

Building the P4 code into ATAT

To install, copy the files in p4/src into your atat/src directory. The file makefile is replaced, so back up the atat/src/makefile.

cp p4/src/* atat/src/.

Copy the files in p4/glue/ into your atat/glue directory. The file makefile is replaced, so back up the atat/glue/vasp/makefile.

cp p4/glue/vasp/* atat/glue/vasp/.

Go to the src directory in atat

cd atat/src

and open the file makefile with a text editor and look for the line BINDIR=$(HOME)/bin/. Change $(HOME)/bin/ to point wherever you want to put the executables. Then type


Similarly, go to the glue/vasp directory in atat

cd atat/glue/vasp

and open the file makefile with a text editor and look for the line BINDIR=$(HOME)/bin/. Change $(HOME)/bin/ to point wherever you want to put the executables. Then type
