Piecewise Polynomial Potential Partitioning (P4) Software


Monte Carlo Markov Chain canonical sampling of the configuration space confined to the Voronoi cell

-h Display more help (Default: Off)
-gip Generate Gaussian quadrature points for adiabatic switching thermodynamic integration (default: 5-point Gaussian quadrature) (Default: Off)
-ip=[string] Input file including the Gaussian quadrature points for adiabatic switching thermodynamic integration (a pair of abscissa and weight per line) (Default: )
-r Run Monte Carlo sampling (Default: Off)
-u Sample the internal energy of the real system (Default: Off)
-fvib Calculate vibrational free energy (Default: Off)
-test Run Monte Carlo sampling to estimate the best parameters for the Markov chain (Default: Off)
-T=[real] Temperature in Kelvin (default: 300)
-l=[string] Input file defining the augmented lattice (default: lat.in)
-is=[string] Input file defining the ideal structure (default: str.in)
-rs=[string] Input file defining the relaxed structure (default: str_relax.out)
-ff=[string] Input file defining the forces on the relaxed structure (default: force_final.out)
-hf=[string] Input file defining the hessian of the relaxed structure (default: hessian.out)
-etol=[real] Target precision for Monte Carlo sampling average calculation (default: 10e-3 eV)
-c=[real] Curvature magnitude for the reference state potnetial in adiabatic switching (default: 20 eV/A/A)
-sd=[int] Seed for random number generation (default: use clock)
-ss=[real] Magnitude for maximum step size in Monte Carlo random sampling (default: 1e-2)
-burnInNum=[int] The number of initial steps in the Markov chain to de discarded (default: 10e4)
-gapNum=[int] The number of steps in between Markov chain steps to be included in the ensemble averaging (default: 10e4)
-d Use all default values (Default: Off)